I'm proud to hold customized trainings, workshops, and individual consulting sessions to reach people at every level. Each experience is tailored to your unique needs. From larger organizations looking to increase inclusion to strengthening interpersonal relationships in smaller professional groups, I educate and empower clients to take action that sparks real change.
Got Consent?
Power to the Z: Cultivating the next generation of advocates
Responding to Survivors: The
importance of language & improving your response
In Plain Sight: Understanding & responding to teen dating violence
Pleasure & Sexuality: Rated E for everyone
Join me and others as we advocate for policy change related to:
In 2022 - Ask your legislators to vote YES on HB 1043 & SB 483*:
Eliminating the statute of limitations on civil claims for sexual assault*
Require background checks of coaches, staff & volunteers
Require youth sports to have protocols in place to prevent & respond to sexual assault
Require coaches, staff & volunteers to receive annual prevention education & response training​
Consult on best practices related to:
Title IX
Cultivating Healthy Relationships
Establishing a Peer Advocacy Group
5 Ways to Create Consult Culture in Your Home
Responding to Survivors: The importance of language & improving your response
In Plain Sight: Understanding & responding to teen dating violence
The Grooming of Youth Athletes: Preventing sexual assault in elite youth sports
Join me and others as we advocate for policy change related to:
In 2022 - Ask your legislators to vote YES on HB 1043 & SB 483*:
Eliminating the statute of limitations on civil claims for sexual assault*
Require background checks of coaches, staff & volunteers
Require youth sports to have protocols in place to prevent & respond to sexual assault
Require coaches, staff & volunteers to receive annual prevention education & response training​
Consult on best practices related to:​
Conversations about consent & dating
Using a trauma informed, healing centered approach to supporting survivors
Shifting from Diversity & Inclusion to Justice: Conversations for action
Listen, Share & Grow: Applying a racial justice lens to the volunteer experience
Responding to Survivors: The importance of language & improving your response
Straddling the Line Between Organizational Bravery & Staff Burnout
Join me and others as we advocate for policy change related to:
In 2022 - ask legislators to vote YES to SB 448:
​Requires hospitals to develop and implement policies & procedures for screening
Documentation of DV, IPV and/or SA must be included in the patient’s medical records
Connects patients of abuse to local and state resources
Health care providers receive training on identifying DV, IPV and SA and how to properly support the individual
Workplace harassment & discrimination
Expanding access to quality childcare
Consult on best practices related to:
Centering justice, equity, diversity & inclusion
Employer response to workplace violence
Volunteer management
Solution-focused, trauma-informed supervision practices
Using a trauma informed, healing centered approach to supporting survivors
Building Inclusive Workplaces
Shifting from Diversity & Inclusion to Justice: Conversations for action
Bystander Intervention in the Workplace
Responding to Survivors: The importance of language & improving your response
Straddling the Line Between Organizational Bravery & Staff Burnout
Join me and others as we advocate for policy change related to:
In 2022 - ask legislators to vote YES to SB 448:
​Requires hospitals to develop and implement policies & procedures for screening
Documentation of DV, IPV and/or SA must be included in the patient’s medical records
Connects patients of abuse to local and state resources
Health care providers receive training on identifying DV, IPV and SA and how to properly support the individual
Workplace harassment & discrimination
Expanding access to quality childcare
Consult on best practices related to:
Centering justice, equity, diversity & inclusion
Employer response to workplace violence
Volunteer management
Solution-focused, trauma-informed supervision practices
Using a trauma informed, healing centered approach to supporting survivors